Legislature(2001 - 2002)

04/09/2002 01:34 PM Senate TRA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                   SB 358-NAMING STATE FERRIES                                                                              
CHAIRMAN  COWDERY  said  he  did   not  know  if  members  had  an                                                              
opportunity to read the packet and  noted that school children did                                                              
a good  job writing  essays for the  contest.   One winner  of the                                                              
contest selected  the name "Fairweather."  Wesley  Tyrrell's essay                                                              
contained a pretty good analogy.   "Chenega" was the other winning                                                              
name.   That ferry will  be named after  the Chenega Glacier.   SB
358 is a piece of legislation to make those choices legal.                                                                      
MS.  KELLY  HUBER,   staff  to  Senate  President   Rick  Halford,                                                              
explained  the  bill  was  introduced  through  the  Senate  Rules                                                              
Committee  as a  formality.   Senate President  Halford and  House                                                              
Speaker Porter, as  well as Lieutenant Governor  Ulmer, judged the                                                              
contest.  To make the process legal  and name the next two ferries                                                              
on the  production line "Fairweather"  and "Chenega," a  bill must                                                              
go through the legislative process  and be signed by the Governor.                                                              
MS. HUBER informed  the committee that many very  good essays were                                                              
submitted.   The  essays were  interesting and  children from  all                                                              
over the state participated.                                                                                                    
CHAIRMAN COWDERY said  he had a chance to read the  essays and was                                                              
very impressed.   He asked  if there  was anyone else  to testify.                                                              
[No response.]                                                                                                                  
SENATOR  WARD   moved  SB  358  from  committee   with  individual                                                              
recommendations.  There being no objection, the motion carried.                                                                 

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